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[ PREMIUM ] Full Body Glamour High-End Retouching Course

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[ PREMIUM ] Full Body Glamour High-End Retouching Course

19 ratings

W E L C O M E !

The Full Body Glam tutorial is HERE!

This course will show you EVERYTHING from start to finish on how I retouch full body shots to PERFECTION + you will ALSO receive a Frequency Separation Action + my LUTs collection!

What's Needed?

  1. Photoshop

The Retouching Course

What's included?

  1. Skin Smoothing

    ** Correcting tones/colors in the subject's skin and ensuring no harsh edges are visible - tones will match and flow throughout EFFORTLESSLY

  2.  Liquifying

    ** Shaping the body, which includes lifting/rounding out the breasts to make them appear fuller, SNATCHING the waistline, slimming out the arms and neck, and lastly, making THE BOOTY POP

  3.  Micro and Macro dodging and burning

    ** Micro dodging and burning - push shadows back and pull highlights forward on a MAGNIFIED level - We will observe stubborn pores on the subject's skin and attempt to reduce them with two simple Curve layers

    ** Macro dodging and burning - push shadows back and pull highlights forward on a GENERAL level, looking at "the bigger picture" - We will observe large areas on the subject's skin and attempt to analyze them with two simple Curve layers

  4.  How I achieve my SUPER highlight

    ** Pulling out the highlights and INTENSIFYING them to provide an illuminating glow on certain parts of the subject's skin

  5.  How I remove stretch marks

    ** Using the Clone Stamp tool and/or the Skin Healing tool to remove those beautiful "warrior scars" that most models would prefer removed

  6.  How I Color Correct

    ** Using the Paint Brush tool to sample similar tones within surrounding areas to correct unsettling tones on the subject's skin


 My LUTs Package (21 Color Grading Styles)

What's Included?

  1. 21 Color Grading Styles

These LUTs are absolutely beautiful and will make for GREAT skin tone color grading assets within your workflow. NO MORE tedious adjustment layers - This is a ONE STOP SHOP. These Color Grade styles range from cool to warm, from natural to dramatic - Whatever your heart desires - Whatever your specific image requires!

These work BEST with Medium to Dark Skin-tones, but any skin tone is suitable, including Fair to Light.

Although I have tested these LUTs out on numerous images, I feel as though they work BEST with images that are shot in between 3000 and 7000 Kelvin.

Canon OR Sony OR Nikon cameras are suitable for these LUTs.

DISCLAIMER: All images will have different lighting consistencies and different tones - Every image WILL NOT look the same, and that is completely fine. Tweak the LUTs, adjust the opacity and fill. Make these LUTs YOUR OWN!

Frequency Separation Action

What's included?

  1. Frequency Separation Action

This action is GREAT because it cuts down the amount of time you spend on creating each individual layer in order to begin the smoothing process.

This action will assist with creating:

** The Low Layer (Skin tone correcting)

** The High Layer (Texture correcting)


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